Monday, July 09, 2007

Another Reason to Love Books

As if I needed another reason, now there's a report that states our literacy skills aren't set after school, but actually decline starting about age 25.

Literacy skills fall as we age.

Now it's only about one grades worth, but still that could make a difference. This part made me think I should be okay-"The reading people do at work helps, but not nearly as much as reading a variety of materials for pleasure at home."

Sounds like me.

I should stop though before it sounds like bragging, and I get prideful.

Let this be another encouragement and reason to read.

(And here's a related link-Literacy Statistics. Now go do some more reading.)

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Blogger Pilgrimsarbour said...

I hope you get a chance to read this on my blog. I think you and I have much in common.

My Struggle (not so much) with Biblioholism.

4:22 PM  
Blogger pilgrim said...

That Samuel Davies quote?
"The venerable dead are waiting in my library to entertain me and relieve me from the nonsense of surviving mortals."
--Samuel Davies

I have that printed up as a poster, and it is in my book room.
My wife doesn't get it...

10:17 PM  

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