Monday, September 19, 2005

Unsaved family

This is a tough one. We can spend so much time proclaiming, defending, and even living the truth, but when our families-whether parents, siblings, children, or extended-don't believe it can be heart breaking.
They're often the people it's hardest to witness to. They see us at our worst, and most of them knew us when we were unsaved.

I must confess a sense of jealousy for those who grew up in Christian homes. This is not a complaint against my parents. They did well. It's not a complaint against God. I've seen reasons why I did not grow up in that setting.

But I see the closeness Christian families have on a level non-Christians can never experience. I see the blessings. And so I desire to create that sort of environment for the future.

I pray for my unsaved family. I pray I will model God's grace for them, they do know I've changed, but it's not always easy. Sometimes believing the Gospel creates conflict--as Christ said it would. (Matthew 10:33-35)
In my extended family there is more acceptance now than when I first believed, but there can still be tension. There still can be conflict.

Part of the reason I post this is asking for advice or comments, from anybody who can relate to it. Part of the reason is to hopefully encourage those who can relate to it.



Blogger pilgrim said...

Thanks for the comments.

Actually the first reaction was anger.

That kind of put things in a freeze for a while.

As long as things stay generic in the area of religion it's okay.

As I said my family has mostly accepted it, even if they wouldn't agree.

Still it's an issue many people face and I felt moved to bring it up.

10:52 PM  
Blogger Joel said...


If I read your comments onn Steve Camp's blog right, your family is Catholic; is that right? Obviously, I don't think that in itself makes them unsaved, but I do know how difficult it can be when one member of a family is right with God and others are not, and there are an awful lot of Catholics out there who figure nominal membership is enough.

Would it be all right if I merely pray for them to catch on fire with love for God, rather than specifically for a conversion to Protestantism? The Holy Spirit can bring flame to all kinds of embers, if there are any at all to fan.

You've been very patient with my lot on the other blog, and I would like to pray for your family, if I can and it won't cause you offense. No saints, I promise. :)


6:25 PM  
Blogger pilgrim said...

Thanks for the comments.

Yes my extended family is primarily RC, some are nominal and some are quite serious.
There are those that are more agnostic, and even a new ager or two-and more.

I decided when I started this blog that I wouldn't make it a central point to the blog, but I won't deny or hide it either.
This blog is about all sorts of things from a reformed Christian perspective. It's not about Roman Catholicism.

When I say my family is unsaved I was mostly referring to my immediate family, but I did mention the extended family as well.
I do not consider them unsaved because they are RC, I consider them unsaved becuase they do not believe the Gospel. I do not pray for a conversion to Protestantism, but a conversion to the true God.

Now obviously we disagree on the definitons of some of those words, but I hope you get my point.

Any way--I hope you read more of the blog and feel free to drop in any time and see what's here-it may surprise you (it may not)

8:08 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

"I do not consider them unsaved because they are RC, I consider them unsaved because they do not believe the Gospel. I do not pray for a conversion to Protestantism, but a conversion to the true God.

Now obviously we disagree on the definitons of some of those words, but I hope you get my point."

I do, and I wasn't trying to bring it up as an arguing point. I really do understand how it is love the Lord in a family that doesn't, and to have family members for whose souls I worry.

I'll keep checking in. Looks like you've got a good blog going here. :)

9:07 AM  
Blogger pilgrim said...

Again, thanks for the comments.

And I didn't see your comments as argumentative.

6:22 PM  

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